About Us
Welcome to the world of WeSave
Who are We
• Water and Energy Savings AD is a company that offers energy management, improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of final energy costs
•We implement innovative solutions and products with a high energy efficiency coefficient
•Financing of the measures proposed by us with a contract for a guaranteed result - ESCO contract
•Execution of contracts for energy efficient services
•We are representatives of AE Solar - a first-class German manufacturer of photovoltaic modules with a capacity of 5 GW per year
•We monitor the implemented projects

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sustainable energy system
Numbers of WeSave
Our Team
Meet Us
Our team of professionals stand firmly behind our clients in every endeavor

ул. Димитър Хаджикоцев 110 ап.6
Phone: +359 886 777 999
Phone: +359 882 268 844
Email: [email protected]